templates/Default/menu.html.twig line 1
{% extends 'Default/parameters.html.twig' %}
{% import "Default/macros.html.twig" as macros %}
{% block html %}
{% apply spaceless %}
{% set menus = [] %}
{# set menus = menus|merge({'home':{label:"Accueil", href:url("home"), id:'home'}}) #}
{% set submenus = [] %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label: "Présentation", href: path("page",{slug:"presentation"}) }]) %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label: "Mission et Attributions", href: path("page",{slug:"mission-attributions"}) }]) %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label: "Mot du directeur général", href: path("page",{slug:"mot-directeur"}) }]) %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label: "Gouvernance et Organisation", href: path("page",{slug:"gouvernance"}) }]) %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label: "Organigramme", href: path("page",{slug:"organigramme"}) }]) %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'asin':{label:"ASIN", submenus:submenus, id:'asin'}}) %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'projets':{label:"Projets", href:url('projects'), id:'projets'}}) %}
{% set submenus = [] %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label:"Actualités", href: path("articles") }]) %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label:"Documents", href: path("resources") }]) %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label:"Vidéos", href: path("videos") }]) %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'articles':{label:"Publications", submenus:submenus, id:'articles'}}) %}
{% set submenus = [] %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label:"Emplois", href:path("opportunities-cat",{cat:"offres-emploi"}) }]) %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label:"Marché public", href:path("opportunities-cat",{cat:"appels-offres"}) }]) %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'public':{label:"Opportunités", submenus:submenus, id:'opportunities'}}) %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'contacts':{label:"Contact", href:url('contacts'), id:'contacts'}}) %}
{% set submenus = [] %}
{% for o in structuresCats %}
{% set submenus = submenus|merge([{label:o.label, href: path("structures-cat",{slug:o.slug}) }]) %}
{% endfor %}
{% set menus = menus|merge({'structures':{label:"Exécution et suivi", href:url("structures"), submenus:submenus, id:'structures'}}) %}
{% block content %}
{% if isMobile() %}
<div class='w100'>
<ul class='list upper flex col lspacing vt-15-in gpadding h4 white semibold'>
{% for o in menus %}
<li class='vt-3-in hz-3-in border border-1x noborder border-bottom border-white'>
{% if o.href is defined and o.href and o.submenus is not defined %}
<a href='{{o.href}}' {%if o.target is defined and o.target %} target="_blank" {%endif%} class='vt-8-in nowrap flex col middle relative pointer medium'>{{o.label}}</a>
{% else %}
<span class='vt-8-in nowrap flex row space middle relative pointer medium os-click' data-target='next'>
<i class='left-10 fa fa-chevron-down'></i>
{% endif %}
{% if o.submenus is defined %}
<ul class='left-20-in top-7-in border border-gray border-notop border-noright border-nobottom'>
{% if o.href is defined %}
<a href='{{o.href}}' class='flex col middle relative pointer bottom-15-in'>Tout</a>
{% endif %}
{% for k in o.submenus %}
<a href='{{k.href}}' class='flex col middle relative pointer bottom-15-in'>{{k.label}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<div class='w100 h100 top'>
<ul class='list flex row space h4 middle success semibold fill'>
{% for o in menus %}
<li class='relative h100 middle menu nowrap transition {{activeMenu == o.id ? "active"}} {{not loop.last ? ""}}'>
{% if o.href is defined and o.href %}
<a href='{{o.href}}' {%if o.target is defined and o.target %} target="_blank" {%endif%} class='nowrap hz-15-in relative pointer iflex row middle h100'>
<span class="vt-5-in {{o.isSpecial is defined ? 'bg-success'}}">{{o.label}}</span>
{% else %}
<span class='os-click relative pointer iflex row middle h100 hz-15-in' data-target='next'>
<span class='vt-5-in'>{{o.label}}</span>
{% endif %}
{% if o.submenus is defined %}
{% if o.id == 'pag' %}
<div class='special absolute shadow transition-1s p text-left success medium vt-20-in hz-30-in hoverflow ytop-100'>
<i class="absolute fill top left bg-white"></i>
<div class="flex col relative">
<div class="flex row wrap space w100">
<div class="border boder-gray">
<h5 class="flex row">
<i class="icon contain"></i>
<ul class="list">
{% for k in articlesCat %}
<li><a href="{{path('articles-cat',{cat:k.slug})}}">{{k.name}}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% else %}
<ul class='absolute shadow transition-1s p text-left success-alt medium vt-10-in left-15 hoverflow ytop-100' style="z-index : 100;">
<i class="absolute fill top left bg-white"></i>
{% for k in o.submenus %}
<li class='relative'>
<a href='{{k.href}}' class='iflex col middle relative pointer vt-3-in vt-5 hz-30-in'>{{k.label}}</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endapply %}
{% endblock %}